Friday, January 15, 2010

You know you are immersed when you:

Despues tres dia en la escuela de español tú:
1) feel confident enough to try speaking and not be ashamed about making errors
2)Agree to speak spanish with your friends next week.
3) have 15 pages of vocabulary words
4) Are able to congugate a few words in past tense simply from hearing them spoken by others
5) when you wake up in the middl eof the night with Spanish vocabulary running through your head
6) have a hard time speaking only English after 4 hours of only Spanish
7) want to insert Spanish words or phrases you have learned in your English emails
8) get frustrated when you can´t say what you want to say or you can struggle struggle to say it a really long descriptive way to be understood.
9) get excited that you can have a very slow, belabored conversation without being corrected every word
10) get annoyed by the tourists that come to Pana for the weekend
11) Realize how much more you have to learn