Sunday, January 3, 2010

Life is Relationships

As Dad and I were talking over lunch today, he said, "Life is relationships." This is what I am realizing in these past few days. Let me back up and give you the context of the comment. I went to the church which I attended as I grew up. I had not been there in 18 months. Dad continues to be a faithful and involved member there. Similar to coming home to my actual house, there is a comfort in returning to a family. Many things were the same, but several were different. Many new faces, but several friends of many years. I got so many hugs this morning. It was wonderful! The best characteristic of this church is the honesty and genuine love and care everyone expresses. Life is relationships.

Have you ever had thoughts that you couldn't quite put together and then someone pulls it all together for you? That is what the sermon did today. The sermon was on being missions oriented. I will be honest, I was not excited when I heard that in the introduction. I thought, "hear we go again...follow the great commission, serve and love people." As he spoke though, there were minor undertones of that but those were not the main points. I will not go into the details, but what stuck out to me was that our focus should be outward. Live your life the best way you can and follow God's leading the best way you can. Make relationships. People are hurting in the church building, people are hurting outside the church, marriages end in divorce in the church building, marriages end in divorce outside the church building. We are all living life together, all have mountains, all have valleys, all have something to offer, all have the image or fingerprints of God on our souls. We are supposed to spread the message of God's love by having an outward focus. That means sharing life together...that means forming and having honest genuine relationships..that means letting people know about God's relationship with us. Life is relationships.

Having just moved and having gone through Mom's things these past few days, I am aware of stuff. We all collect stuff. Much of it is useful. Some of it is decorative. Some of it is sentimental. Regardless, when we leave this earth , none of it comes with us. Don't worry, I am not getting preachy hear. I have stuff too! What is interesting to me though is what I find valuable at the moment...what did I keep. Letters, cards, and photos. These are all representations of relationship. Relationships in the long ago past, relationships in the recent past, relationships in present. I have two shoe boxes filled to the brim with letters and cards that I have gotten over the years. Of all Mom's stuff, I kept a few love letters we found. What was the hardest to leave and what do I miss most about CA...relationships. Life is relationships.

When it is all said and done, what continues on? Relationships. This was brought home again when we went through what was on Mom's bedside table. This is was evidence of what she had been thinking about those last few weeks...dreams, plans, hobbies. Mom left bathroom remodeling plans, last two issues of a magazine, financial investing books with a pencil inside the book marking the current page, and a few pictures she wanted to find frames for. It is kinda like she simply walked out the door. She left everything just the way it was. She does not need any of the earthly things anymore. What is the one thing that has lasted...our relationship. Sure it is very different now, but it has not ended. Life is relationships.

Whether introvert or extrovert, we all need and want quality relationships. The world functions through relationships. Some deep, some shallow, some business, some short, some life-long, some for fun, some for struggles. Even in a world where there are less and less human to human interaction, we still function through relationships. The parent-child, student-teacher, family-pet, cashiers at stores, co-workers, clients and customers, emails, texts, phone calls, bills, doctors, meals, renewing relationships with old friends, meeting new people, etc. Life is relationships.

If you are reading this long post, that means that most likely I have a relationship with you. I am thankful for that. I hope you have a great week this coming week as we all get back to the more holidays.

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