Friday, January 15, 2010

Cristo Negro vs Cristo Blanco

School: Hooray! Hoy es viernes! Mi cabazea es sobre explode. (my head is about to explode). I am amazed at how many words, concepts that I have learned in only 4 days of one on one spanish lessons. It is interesting just how tired I am at the end of the day when I have been sitting all day long. To bad thinking hard does not burn alot of calories:) My homework for the weekend is to write an essay about my time here so far and to write sentences with all the rules for ser and estar.

Life in Pana:
go to kathryn´s blog for photos and descriptions for the way the nights are around here.

More information about things mentioned in previous blogs:
The dialect spoken here in Pana is Kaqchinquel. The dialects are only spoken.
The volcanoes are called San Pedro, Atitlan, Toliman.

Cristo Negro:
Today the people in Pana are celebrating cristo negro. Lena and I got different stories about the orgin of the day. Never the less, the main tradition is shooting off lots and lots of fireworks. The story I got from my professor ( in spanish) is that in a town in Guatemala there is a cave in the shape of a crucifix. One day someone found a statue of Jesus in the center of the cave. The statue was morena or dark skinned. Apparently, there are two Jesus...Cristo negro and Cristo blanco. Many indigenous people have a crucifix with Jesus made out a dark wood. They burn candles or incense three times a day. Today is the birthday of the cristo negro and Christmas is the birthday of the cristo blanco

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard about Cristo Negro & Cristo Blanco. We'll have to chat about that when you return. Praying for you! : )
