Thursday, January 7, 2010

Guatemala FAQs

Ok, the time has come to start preparing to go to Guatemala. Since so many people seem to be asking questions, I am going to answer FAQ about my trip.
Why Guatemala? Why now? Are you going for a mission trip? How long will you be there? What will you be doing? Are you excited?

I have always wanted to travel. One of my biggest regrets in undergrad was not studying abroad. I had a choice to study abroad or graduate on time. At the time, I thought graduating on time was more important. I am currently single, have money saved, am between jobs, so why not? There will never be a better opportunity.

I have always wanted to learn another language. I took Spanish in high school and college, but unfortunately never valued the class. It was always a slack class for me since so much of it was rote memory. I would learn the grammar rules and vocabulary words and spit them out on the test promptly forgetting them. Verbal was always the hardest, but I could get by without too much effort. Being in LA for the past 18 months and now coming back to NC where lots of Hispanics live, I have a new appreciation for being able to communicate with them.

I am going to spend 6 weeks in Guatemala with the main purpose of learning Spanish. It will be pure immersion. I will have one-on-one Spanish lessons 4hr/day 5 days/week. I will be living with a Mayan family who speaks Spanish and a Mayan dialect(I would assume). I plan to travel some on the weekends. I will be in the town of Panajachel which is on Lake Atilan.

I am currently not excited, but that is just my personality. I don't get excited about much. As the time is getting closer, I am getting alittle bit anxious as I do not know exactly what I am getting myself into. It will be an adventure in many ways. I will try to post often.

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