Thursday, May 1, 2014

Stars, Oceans, and Fires

You maybe wondering what do these three items have in common? Why are they grouped together in this blog? This is a blog that I have debated about writing, but have decided to share it with the world after all. As is expected with all new situations, it takes time to adjust and make a way in the surroundings. Mercy Ships proved to be no different. The first two weeks were challenging in many ways, making new friends and acquaintances, figuring out how to live with a bunkmate and cabinmates, eating food served only three times a day in a commercial setting, working with patients in ways I had not before, treating with a translator for even simple commands to name a few. I was continuing to blaze ahead the best I could with God's help. I knew that it would get easier with time. It always does. I also knew that I did not have much time here. 

Mercy Ships has several planned activities each weekend that crew can chose to participate in if they want. This particular weekend was a bonfire on the beach with worship songs. This happened to be on the same day as the Gorge adventure. At the last minute, I decided to go to the bonfire. The pleasant evening commenced with a very colorful sunset over the ocean. The bonfire had built above the high tide line and we all quickly settled down sitting in the sand listening to the guitars and African drums. We began singing songs. The music and singing were competing with the sound of the crashing waves behind us. It was very peaceful.

Soon they were singing songs to which I did not know all the lyrics. I entered into my individual conversation with God. Here I was on a beach in the Republic of Congo singing songs, watching the fire, listening to the waves crash into the sand with people from all over the world (34 nationalities on board, not all of them at the fire).  How neat is that?! I began thinking about how small the world is to God. He knows us all and the details of our lives. He told Abraham he would be the Father of the Nations. God illustrated this to him by showing him the vast numbers of stars in the night sky. Not only did He show his the vast number, but He loved all of the people the stars represented. Another neat thought that I have had before but was reminded of then was that Abraham and I were both potentially seeing many of the same stars. 

My thoughts continued to wander down the path of God's love for all of us yet loves us individually. I was thinking about lyrics in hymns and contemporary worship songs that describe God's love. Some describe it as deep deep love of Jesus, vast as the ocean. The oceans are both deep and wide. It is amazing to think about God's love for each of us being more/bigger/vast than the ocean. I cannot easily comprehend that fact. It is life changing when we grasp it.

My thoughts were interrupted by screams and people jumping up quickly as the tide had come up higher than anticipated getting many people wet. They were actually able to start another fire further up the beach by carefully moving some of the flaming wood. After the new fire was steady and worship started again. I began thinking about how both fire and water can be so peaceful (waterfall, waves crashing, fire in fireplace or while camping), helpful, necessary to sustain life yet can be so destructive when they are out of control. Humans over thousands of years have made many successful attempts to tame them and use them for great benefits such as fuel, heat, power, cleaning, growing food. Sometimes, they will override man-made constraints in floods, wild fires, hurricanes, etc. They can destroy in an instant what has been there for years. I am so glad I have a personal relationship with God who is more powerful than natural disasters. We do not understand why they occur, but know He is more powerful. Amazing.

Well there you have it some of the inner wanderings of my thoughts a night of stars, oceans, and fire. 

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