Thursday, December 31, 2009

Getting closer to home


Today we drove in 4 states; TX, LA, MS, and AL. Texas is big!!! From El Paso to past Longview is 820 miles. Slowly there were more trees, and the trees were taller and taller. Throughout LA, even this far north, there were many bayous. So much water. It is amazing to me that the trees can grow with that much water around. For the most part, we were still driving in the what felt like the middle of nowhere. There were occassional farms and towns, but mostly pine tree lined highway with only a few cars except for the "cities." We stopped tonight in Tuscaloosa, AL. In addition to the scenery changing, the radio station selection changes as you drive across the southern US. Sometimes only one station is available, sometimes there are 5-6 Spanish speaking stations, sometimes 5-6 country stations, sometimes 4 Christian stations. It is interesting how the radio station selection is an indication of the culture and population in that area.

We are really in the south now. I feel like I have entered into another world. In away, I feel like I am home. In another, it makes me miss Monrovia/Pasadena area so much. Here are some of the differences:
Greeted with Ma'am and Sir at the hotel and resturant
Only ethnitcities in the resturant were white and black. Although everyone is sitting in one dining room, there is a sense that everyone is trying very hard to get along.
There was Cajun shrimp and grits on the menu:)

You are lucky if you get eye contact from the host
Every ethinicity you want. It is as if no one notices the different skin colors, etc
More carefree, accepting atmosphere

Well, the plan for tomorrow is to drive all the way home.

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