Sunday, June 8, 2014


Seasons: changes in weather, plants, animals, light, sports, activities, and even people. One of the aspects I enjoyed while living in North Carolina was the seasonal changes. North Carolina has all four season. Spring and Fall are long and winter is mild, but does have snow once or twice usually. I did not even mind the summers hot and humid. One of the questions often asked young children along with what is your favorite food, color, etc is "what is your favorite season?" I always had difficulty answering because there are characteristics and activities I enjoyed in each one. I also enjoyed the change. There is so many different directions a blog about seasons could go, but I am going to focus on a phenomenon I saw this week. 

This week the arrival of summer seems to be official. Although the steadily rising temperatures have announced the change in season a few weeks ago, peoples attitudes are just now changing. There is something special about summer that makes people more laid back, friendly, joyful. I have wonderful memories of summer evenings as a child. Pops in the Park concerts, running around catching fireflies in the backyard, sitting on the candlelight screen porch, running around in a field with friends after church, even lying in bed listening to the neighbor children still playing in the street, making homemade ice cream in a hand cranked churn, swimming in the pool, playing in water hose, riding bike for hours to name a few.

The change in the environment makes sense for children and families with children still in the home. Often there is a break extra circular activities or at least a change. Also, most schools, even year round schools, have a break for summer. Somehow, though, it carries over to adults too. Adults even without children or with grown children not on a school schedule. This has been particularly evident this week in my interactions with people. Here are a few examples.

While here, I have been attending a Wednesday night Bible study. Most of the nights everyone leaves quickly after the study is over. This past Wednesday, however, people continued to stay seated and chatted for a bit. We then moved outside where the temperatures were very pleasant and proceeded to talk for a while longer. (A true southern goodbye is present in the desert in the summer). 

Most Thursdays, I have been participating in a beginner's line dancing class. The line dances alternate with square dances. As I do not know how to square dance, I watch the dances. This Thursday in particular, the square dancers were full of smiles, laughs, and overall having a wonderful time just being together and doing something they enjoyed. Simply watching their joy brought joy to me. 

At the grocery store even the workers and customers were more friendly and in less of a rush. So, even though many of the necessary daily and weekly routines in life remain during this summer season  let us enjoy the more laid back atmosphere, seasonal activities, and continue to smile about the small things in life.

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