Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Community--Part 2

I was thinking after I posted the last blog about the positives of this unique community. Mercy Ships was one man's dream that has come to fruition. It has been possible as the dream has carried over to thousands of people of the many years that Mercy Ships has existed. I have met one person who dreamed of coming to Mercy Ships since she was 13 years old. We all are here for the same reason to show God's love and care in practical way to someone who does not have the resources otherwise. 

It is amazing how many different jobs are necessary to make this ship run all to show hope and healing through God's grace to patients. There are Admission's nurses, surgeons with specialties, OR nurses, PACU nurses, anesthetists, anesthetist assistants, ward nurses around the clock, physical therapists, occupational therapists, xray technicians, pharmacists, lab workers, pathologist sometimes, cooks, dining room crew, engineers to keep the power running, the ship level, water clean, plumbing working, IT specialists, security people, safety officers, dental team(dentists and hygienists),  eye team (nurses, doctors, assistants), ward doctor, outpatient (wound care nurses), dressing team (nurses for dressing changes in the hospital), Day crew for translators and other tasks to make the ship run smoothly, hospitality and reception around the clock, and the administration on the ship, laundry for ship scrubs and hospital sheets, towels, etc, school teachers and principal, people who manage and run the HOPE Centre where patient can stay after they are discharged from the hospital but still need Rehab and/or wound care, supply, bank, hospital administration, post office, purser, communications (photos, writers, webdesigner). I am sure there are other things on the ship that I have not thought about. 

This is an very neat and unique community to be apart of even for a brief time. It is a good practical example of the scripture where Paul talks about everyone performing their gifts and skills. We are all part of the body. Just as a eye cannot be a foot and a heart cannot be a stomach, a OR nurse cannot do physical therapy well. We are all needed to make the ship run well. It truly is amazing that it does run as well as it does with all the people who serve coming and going. 

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