Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Go! No, Wait! Ok, Go!

Nothing is set in stone in any of our lives, but it seems more prominent in the lifestyle I am currently living.  I continually learn to change plans quickly and not have a plan in the immediate due to the long term plan being insecure. Recent months have provided a learning opportunity on steroids. People often ask me what my plans are for after Mercy Ships in Spring 2015. I honestly reply, "I have no idea. I will likely get another travel physical therapy position." After Mercy Ships is so far in the future, it is not even on my radar. The realm of possibilities are endless. This lifestyle provides a wonderful opportunity to live in the present; to plan, but expect the plan to change.

One of the adventurous aspects of travel is the unknown. Yes, it is only Tuesday, but already this week everything is once again up in the air. I received an email yesterday letting us know details were still being worked out. We will be kept abreast. I am so grateful I am not responsible for making these decisions that effect so many people.

By the grace of God I have everything set and ready to go (cocked), but have not pulled the trigger on many of the things. I was talking to Dad, I have never lived life the simple way. I am continuing in that trend. Many aspects of life need to be considered when you will be leaving for at least 6 months, but returning. I am glad too that I purchased plane tickets that are able to be changed without a fee up to the hour of the flight. I am currently living with Dad, so housing is provided and can be left quickly. I am currently not employed (by choice), so I can go at a moment's notice. I have researched and made head way on the following:

Health Insurance Coverage abroad (do you keep your current as well as buy evacuation/traveler insurance?)
Car Insurance (Don't want to cancel it as you will lose your good record. Only liability is required legally. Therefore making it effective the date you leave is important. One also has to remember to reinstate collision and comprehensive upon returning)
Car storage for time away
Stuff storage
Paying taxes from abroad (I have a trustworthy accountant)
Medications/ vitamins: (having health insurance company submit special form to override prescriptions so you can get a 6 month supply at once prior to leaving, take a 6 month supply)
Finances: how or who will pay recurring bills while you are away

If you would have told me two years ago that I would be at peace in this position, I would have doubted you. Growing up, if one item on the day's routine was out of order, I would go nuts inside.  I can say by God's gentle leading to and through one obstacle after another rather than all at once, I have slowly grown. I am able to handle changes in schedule better. While I would not say I am 100% comfortable with not knowing exactly when I will be leaving, I have peace that God will cause everything to work out in His timing. 

I think part of the peace comes from seeing God provide a job and housing within 48 hours repeatedly these past two years. He has also provided marvelous experiences that met desires I had dreamed for years. A deeper and deeper trust has developed. Trust He knows best. Trust He is aware of circumstances, dreams, and desires. Trust He will provide. Each time, the changes in plan become easier and easier. If you know me, you know I still have a ways to go with being laid back with everything being in the air.  We are all works in progress. Until further notice, I will wait. 

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